Question 6: Advantages of Irrigation |
Answer: (i) Increase in food production (ii) Protection against drought (iii) Revenue Generation (iv) Elimination of mixed cropping. |
Question 7: Enumerate various physical characteristics of water. |
Answer: Turbidity, Colour, Taste, Odour, Temperature, Specific conductivity. |
Question 8: Criteria for maximum diameter of bar that can be used in slab. |
Answer: The maximum diameter of bar which can be used in slab shall not be more than 1/8 of the slab thickness. |
Question 9: Define Fluid, Thixotropic Fluid, Rheopectic fluid, Pseudo-plastic Fluid. |
Answer: A substance in liquid or gaseous state which is capable of deforming continuously under the action of shear stress (however small the shear stress may be). A fluid which shows as decrease in apparent viscosity with time. Also, It has shear-thinning characteristics. c.g. Printer’s ink, honey A fluid for which apparent viscosity increases with time. Also, It has shear-thickening characteristics. e.g. Bentonite slurry, gypsum suspension in water A fluid for which the dynamic viscosity decreases as the rate of shear stress increases. e.g. milk, cement, blood, clay |
Question 10: Classify the urban roads. |
Answer: 1. Express ways 2. Arterial Road 3. Sub Arterial Road 4. Collector Streets 5. Local Streets |