1. The system of organization introduced by F.W. Taylor is known as _____.
[A] Effective Organization
[B] Functional Organization
[C] Line Organization
[D] Line and Staff Organization
Answer: Option B
2. In CPM and PERT methods activities are connected with each other in _____.
[A] Finish-to-start manner
[B] Overlapping manner
[C] Partially finish-to-start and partially overlapping manner
[D] Random manner
Answer: Option A
3. In project network analysis, which of the following statements is TRUE?
[A] All critical activities must join two critical events
[B] All activities joining two critical events are necessarily critical
[C] Some activities having non zero floats can be critical
[D] Dummy activities can never become critical
Answer: Option A
4. Fulkerson’s rule is connected with the ____.
[A] Numbering of event in PERT/CPM
[B] Creation of a parallel activity
[C] Queueing theory
[D] Elimination of dummy activity
Answer: Option A
5. Latest start of an activity is always ______.
[A] Greater than or equal to latest event time of preceding node
[B] Less than or equal to latest event time of preceding node
[C] Equal to latest event time of preceding node
[D] Less than latest event time of preceding node
Answer: Option A