1. The full form of PERT method of project network analysis is ______.
[A] Project Estimation and Review Technique
[B] Programme Evaluation and Review Technique
[C] Project Estimation and Report Technique
[D] Partial Evaluation and Review Technique
Answer: Option B
2. The PERT network analysis is a method useful for _____.
[A] activity, research and development based projects
[B] event, construction projects
[C] event, research and development projects
[D] activity, construction projects
Answer: Option C
3. Precedence Network Analysis (PNA) method of network analysis better addresses the real-life situation in a construction project than CPM because ______.
[A] It is very precise
[B] It is independent of activities
[C] It does not allow overlapping of activities
[D] It allows overlapping of activities
Answer: Option D
4. The area under the Beta distribution curve is divided into two equal parts by _____.
[A] Most likely time
[B] Optimistic time
[C] Pessimistic time
[D] Expected time
Answer: Option D
5. The PERT is a management tool, having expected mean time ™, optimistic time (to) and pessimistic time (tp), where the variance is given by _____.
[A] (tp – to) / 6
[B] (to + 4tm} + tp) / 6
[C] (tp – to)^2
[D] (tp – to)^2 / 36
Answer: Option D