1. The hydrologic flood routing uses
[A] continuity equation only
[B] momentum equation only
[C] both continuity and momentum equations
[D] energy equation only
Answer: Option A
2. The useful storage is the volume of water stored in the reservoir between
[A] minimum pool level and maximum pool level
[B] minimum pool level and normal pool level
[C] riverbed level and normal pool level
[D] riverbed level and maximum pool level
Answer: Option B
3. Trap efficiency of a reservoir is a function of
[A] Outflow/inflow ratio
[B] Capacity/inflow ratio
[C] Capacity/outflow ratio
[D] All of these is correct
Answer: Option B
4. Probable maximum flood is
[A] an impossibly large flood discharge
[B] a flood with maximum probability of Occurrence
[C] largest flood that could conceivably occur at a particular location
[D] the maximum possible flood which is probable for that year
Answer: Option C
5. The live storage requirement for a reservoir is to be determined by
[A] topographical survey
[B] annual demand
[C] double mass curve analysis
[D] mass curve analysis
Answer: Option D