1. The method of tacheometry commonly used is ___.
[A] Fixed stadia system
[B] Movable stadia system
[C] Tangential stadia system
[D] Transiting stadia system
Answer: Option A
2. Stadia tachometry is based on the principle that
[A] Trigonometrical formulae can be used to calculate distances from vertical angles
[B] intercepts measuring rods on proportional to the distance
[C] horizontal distances vary linearly as vertical angles are
[D] knowing the side and two angles of a triangle, another side can be calculated
Answer: Option B
3. The multiplying constant in the distance formula by tacheometry is given by
[A] Focal length of the objective lens divided by the distance between the stadia wires
[B] Focal length of the objective lens multiplied by the distance between the stadia wires
[C] Stadia intercept divided by the focal length of the objective lens
[D] Stadia intercept multiplied by the focal length of the objective lens
Answer: Option A
4. The poles of the celestial horizon are called ____.
[A] Zenith and Nadir
[B] North and South poles
[C] Perihelion and aphelion
[D] Perigee and apogee
Answer: Option A
5. Distortions in aerial photographs is caused by ____.
[A] large distance between camera and the object
[B] faulty camera lenses
[C] tilt and ground relief
[D] lack of focus during photography
Answer: Option C