1. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
[A] The drilled hole filled with sand is called sand pile
[B] The sand piles are used for bearing purposes
[C] The pile driven in sand is called sand pile
[D] None
Answer: Option C
2. A wall constructed to resist the pressure of an earth filling, is called _____.
[A] Breast wall
[B] Retaining wall
[C] Buttress
[D] Parapet wall
Answer: Option B
3. Pitched and sloping roofs are suitable for ______.
[A] Plain regions
[B] Covering large areas
[C] Coastal regions
[D] All of the above
Answer: Option C
4. Depth or height of the arch is the _____.
[A] Vertical distance between springing line and intrados
[B] Perpendicular distance between springing line and extrados
[C] Perpendicular distance between intrados and extrados
[D] None
Answer: Option C
5. A wooden block hinged on post outside a door, is known as _____.
[A] Stop
[B] Horn
[C] Cleat
[D] All of the above
Answer: Option C