1. Aeration of water is done to remove _____.
[A] Colour
[B] Odour
[C] Hardness
[D] Turbidity
Answer: Option B
2. The underground structure in the form of circular or rectangular tank for admitting sewage is called _____.
[A] Cesspool
[B] Seepage pit
[C] Well
[D] Soakage trench
Answer: Option A
3. The application of chlorine beyond the stage of break point is known as _____.
[A] De-chlorination
[B] Post chlorination
[C] Super chlorination
[D] Double chlorination
Answer: Option C
4. A septic tank is a _____.
[A] Digestion tank
[B] Sedimentation tank
[C] Combined sedimentation and digestion tank
[D] Aeration tank
Answer: Option C
5. A pipe installed in the house drainage to preserve that water seal of trap is known as _____.
[A] Steel pipe
[B] Anti-siphonage pipe
[C] Soil pipe
[D] Waste pipe
Answer: Option B