1. How many additional rain gauges are required in a catchment, if the error allowed in estimation of mean rainfall is to be reduced by half than the present one?

[A] Equal to the present number

[B] Twice the present number

[C] Thrice the present number

[D] Four times the present number

Answer: Option C


2. The double mass curve is used to

[A] Check the consistency of rain gauge records

[B] Determine the reservoir capacity

[C] Determine the number of rain gauges required

[D] Determine the maximum probable precipitation

Answer: Option A


3. The flow-mass is graphical representation of

[A] cumulative discharge and time

[B] discharge and percentage probability of flow being equaled or exceeded

[C] cumulative discharge, volume and time in chronological order

[D] discharge and time in chronological order

Answer: Option C


4. Isohyetal method is used for determination of _____.

[A] Evapotranspiration

[B] Seepage loss

[C] Precipitation

[D] Intensity of flood

Answer: Option C


5. As per Indian Standards, in predominantly hilly areas with heavy rainfall, there should be 1 rain gauge station per ____ km².

[A] 130

[B] 30

[C] 520

[D] 330

Answer: Option A





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