1. ___ method gives weightage to the various rainfall data based on area close to the rain gauge station.
[A] Theissen polygon method
[B] Isohyetal method
[C] Arithmetic Mean Method
Normal ratio method
Answer: Option A
2. When rain gauge network density increases percentage standard error of precipitation averages will ___ as area per gauge will ___.
[A] decrease, increase
[B] increase, decrease
[C] increase, increase
[D] None of the above
Answer: Option C
3. ___ is the most accurate method to estimate average rainfall in particular catchment that utilizes all relevant data and properly interpret them.
[A] Theissen polygon method
[B] Isohyetal method
[C] Arithmetic Mean Method
[D] Normal ratio method
Answer: Option B
4. Depth-Area-Duration DAD curves of precipitation are drawn as __ through the appropriate data points.
[A] Best fit mean curves
[B] Maximizing envelopes
[C] Best fit mean straight lines
[D] Minimizing envelopes
Answer: Option B
5. Normal Annual Rainfall for four station A, B, C and D are 60, 75, 80 and 100cm respectively. Annual Rainfall at A, B and D stations are 90, 60 & 70cm. Find the missing annual rainfall at station C.
[A] 80 cm
[B] 60 cm
[C] 70 cm
[D] 110 cm
Answer: Option A


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