1. Well irrigation is a type of _____.
[A] Inundation irrigation
[B] Infiltration irrigation
[C] Lift irrigation
[D] Gravity irrigation
Answer: Option C
2. For cereal crops the most commonly adopted method of irrigation, is ____.
[A] Free flooding
[B] Check method
[C] Furrow method
[D] Sprinkler method
Answer: Option B
3. ____ is defined as the amount of irrigation water that is required to meet the evapo- transpiration needs of the crop during its full growth.
[A] Gross Irrigation Requirement
[B] Net Irrigation Requirement
[C] Consumptive Irrigation Requirement
[D] Field Irrigation Requirement
Answer: Option C
4. For standing crops in undulating sandy fields, the best method of irrigation, is _____.
[A] Sprinkler method
[B] Free flooding
[C] Check method
[D] Furrow method
Answer: Option A
5. Sprinkler irrigation system is suitable when _____.
[A] the land gradient is steep, and the soil is easily erodible
[B] the soil is having low permeability
[C] the water table is low
[D] the crops to be grown have deep roots
Answer: Option A