1. Standard Project Flood for the drainage area involved is the flood that
[A] is sure to be equalled in magnitude once or more time in the estimated life of the project
[B] is likely to be exceeded in magnitude only at rare occasions in the estimated life of the project
[C] Might occur under the worst meteorological and hydrological conditions in the estimated life of the project
[D] Will occur under standard meteorological conditions in the estimated life of the project
Answer: Option B
2. The discharge per unit drawdown at a well is known as ____.
[A] Specific yield
[B] Specific discharge
[C] Specific capacity
[D] Specific transmissibility
Answer: Option C
3. Which of the following formations has poor permeability, but seepage is possible?
[A] Aquifer
[B] Aquiclude
[C] Aquifuge
[D] Aquitard
Answer: Option D
4. The surface joining the static water levels in several wells penetrating a confined aquifer represents
[A] water table surface
[B] perched water table surface
[C] cone of depression
[D] piezometric surface
Answer: Option D
5. The unit of coefficient of transmissibility is ____.
[A] m²/s
[B] unit less
[C] m/s
[D] m/s²
Answer: Option A
6. Specific storage refers to ____.
[A] Volume of water stored in the unit volume of aquifer
[B] Water that a portion of an aquifer releases from storage, per unit mass or volume of aquifer, per unit change in hydraulic head, while remaining fully saturated.
[C] Volume of water drained by gravity per unit volume of aquifer
[D] The difference between field capacity and evapotranspiration
Answer: Option B